Trampas Rowden

Call me Tj

Trampas (TJ) Rowden

(385) 350-3039

I received my graduate training in marriage & family therapy from BYU (MS) and Texas Tech (PhD), and have practiced as a licensed therapist/counselor in various intensive residential and private settings for over 20 years. In these experiences, I focus on four areas with the youth, couples, and families I serve:  

(1) principle-guided prevention & intervention, 
(2) character strengths and virtues, 
(3) the inevitability of “relationship” in daily living – the “what” and “how” of it, and 
(4) the reality that clients are the gatekeepers of change and true heroes in their own success stories!

I have come to firmly believe that addressing our “problems” ultimately involves courageously drawing on our strengths and the best that lies within us and our relationships!  I have found these strengths often need to be “dusted off” and reclaimed from struggle or developed from weakness as youth and families engage in their own healing process.  

In all such efforts, I acknowledge that the daily, gritty, quiet “micro-betterments” of 1% change over time are where the magic happens.  Yet such “magic” requires fierce faith, proactive patience, & sustained effort over time.  

Precisely because of this process, I have come to love “trajectories” over “finish lines.”  For “we become what we want to be by consistently being what we want to become [bit by bit] each day” (R.G. Scott, 2010).

Based on the above, I have assisted courageous others in improving problem areas such as:

  • Parent-Child Relational Problems
  • Marital Conflict or Discord
  • Adolescent “At Risk” Behaviors (i.e. substance use, sexual acting out, oppositional behaviors, self-harm, etc.)
  • Anxiety/OCD-type Behaviors
  • Depression/Hopelessness
  • Loss/Grieving
  • Trauma/Attachment Issues
Originally from small-town Arizona, I am the oldest of four siblings, and am married to Becky. I am blessed to be Dad to Haylea, James, Sterling, and Ellie. My personal interests and hobbies include many things – a sort of “Jack of all Trades, Master-Enough of Those I Want To Be.”  A sample of current interests and activities includes: fly tying and fishing, camping, cycling, reading, and spending quality time with my sweetheart, family, & friends.  Add a dash of “deliberate discomfort” to any/all of these opportunities, and I’m even more at home.  I also currently serve my local faith community as a bishop of my ward, maintain a small & active private practice (part of Weak to Strong), and continue working closely with Becky and a growing team of professionals to establish.

    Get to know us

    Originally from Arizona, TJ is the oldest of four siblings, and is married to Becky. He is a proud “Daddy” to Haylea, James, Sterling, and Ellie. TJ’s personal interests and hobbies include many things – a sort of “Jack of all Trades, Master-enough of Those I Want To Be.” A sample of current interests and activities includes: fly tying and fishing, camping, various sports (his own and with his kids), cycling (both road and mountain), reading, and spending quality time with his wife, family, & friends. Tj also actively serves his local community via faith and intervention opportunities to ensure involvement and impact close to home.